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How To Improve Your Test Scores With 7 Easy Tips



Do you get really stressed before a test? Would you like to improve your test scores? Of course, studying and practicing your English every day is important but if you are very nervous before a test you won’t have the best score. Follow these 7 suggestions for better test results.

#1. Eat a good breakfast

You don’t want to be thinking about lunch during your morning test. Being hungry makes you lose concentration. Eating scrambled eggs and whole wheat toast or blueberries and oatmeal with almonds for breakfast will help you concentrate better. Bite into an apple or a bunch of grapes during your break to improve your memory and boost concentration.

#2. Drink water

Staying hydrated helps your brain work well. You can’t focus well if you’re thirsty. Studies show that having a glass of water before a test can help make your brain work faster so you can answer those tricky test questions quickly.

#3. Sleep well

The night before the test make sure you get plenty of rest and save the pub night for after the big test. Don’t stay up late playing video games or even studying. Your scores will be higher if you’re well rested. It’s a good idea to do something relaxing like watching a movie (in English!) or taking a bath before bed time.

#4. Make sure you are not in a hurry

The night before the test check that your alarm is set, your compass card is loaded and your clothes are ready. Don’t increase your stress by looking for your backpack and your shoes before you rush off to school.

#5. Arrive on time – or better yet – early!

Avoid arriving to your class just before the test. You don’t want to miss it! You will definitely have better scores if you are relaxed just before the test and not running up the stairs in a panic at the last minute.

#6. Laugh

Studies show that laughing improves your mood and decreases stress. It’s no joke! So watch a funny show or a silly cat video before your test. Another idea is to hang out with a friend who makes you laugh. This will help you get better scores because you will be relaxed. If your brain is relaxed, you’ll be able to give better answers.

#7. Breathe

This is the most important tip. Take a deep breath to get lots of oxygen in your body. Taking deep breaths helps you reduce anxiety and lower your heart rate which helps you concentrate on your test. This recommendation is especially important when taking a speaking test. Most students get really nervous when they know someone is evaluating their speaking skills. So B-R-E-A-T-H-E slowly to increase relaxation (and your score!)

In conclusion, eat nutritious food, drink water, sleep well, be organized to avoid being in a hurry, laugh, and most importantly, take lots of deep breaths. In short, R-E-L-A-X. . When you are relaxed you remember more and you focus better so you can improve your exam results. Good luck on your test!

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